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Customers just want to know that they are receiving value for their spending on your services. Customers prefer to be charged for only what they use.

Billing for Variable Usage of Services
Companies that provide services to businesses provide a range of services and revenue models to their customers. Customers prefer to pay for what they use. Business Services want to better reflect their customers' consumption and to monetize this revenue. Business Services companies, such as franchises, facilities rental, asset leasing, maintenance services for specific industries, transportation services, such as car rental, bus or rail transport can offer core services and numerous additional services to satisfy the needs of their customers. For example, Facilities rental companies can charge monthly fees for offices, virtual receptionists and mailboxes. Moreover they can offer variable items which can be charged on a usage basis for items such as meeting rooms, phone lines, calls answered above a threshold, printed pages above a threshold.
Calculations of all the base and variable charges can be overwhelming for Business Services companies to manage effectively in their billing system, especially if they are using their accounting system to calculate charges and issue invoices.This complexity is heightened if there are different contract terms with different customers, such as those who occupy a large share of office space and expect lower per office base fees.
Omniware Approach
Omniware Dynamics Billing uses an innovative Billing Mediation Hub to capture all usage for each customer. Usage transactions can be uploaded via files, captured via APIs or IoT devices. Usage transactions are used in calculating billing charges, can be communicated on invoices and can be used to inform decisions of what additional services to offer customers.
Allows Business Services companies to offer additional services required by customers
Reduce time and improve the accuracy of calculating complex charges for each customer
Easier to manage invoice charges from contracts with different terms for different customers
Ideal for advanced usage situations such as for Intellectual Property, Data Usage rights and metered consumption in cloud services or utilities.
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