Optimized pricing gains market share.
Many companies are discovering that profitability and customer value can be enhanced by leveraging insights from customer behavior and product/service utilization, and offering pricing or rating that reflects this behavior. After all, not all customers, in all segments, in all locations, in all situations will value your services at a similar price.
Usage based charging allows you to overcome these challenges and create competitive advantage.

Improve your value.
Dynamics Billing’s data mediation hub assesses data from IoT sensors or operational systems for the purposes of rating specific customer situations. Taking these situations into consideration will improve how the customer experiences a product or service.

Increase market share.
Situational rules, such as revenue thresholds, service utilization or customer contract terms can be applied to offer customers pricing unique to their segment and situation. Customers who have a positive experience with a product or service are more likely to become loyal repeat customers, improving a company’s market share as a result.

Maximize revenue.
Connecting pricing, rating, or charging to customer situations will enable you to maximize revenue and provide optimal value to customers.

Achieve competitive advantage.
Usage based charging can greatly enable data driven businesses. These mechanisms can enable competitive advantage against less capable competitors.
Omniware Dynamics Billing is integrated with Microsoft Dynamics, which allows you to enhance your ERP / CRM system with powerful billing capabilities and a familiar interface.