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Analytics to Boost your Business  

Look deeply into all areas of your business with our comprehensive suite of reporting & analytical tools to learn where you can save time and money.

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Get the Complete Picture

When not all of your data is in one place - or if your vendor is limiting your access to it, you’re simply not getting the full picture when you need to see it.


With Dynamics Billing, the reporting component sources from data Anywhere in the system and you always have full access to it. This means there’s no need to contact us to “unlock” features or charge you an “upgrade fee” for data that you should already have. 


It’s all right at your fingertips.

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Out-of-the-Box and Custom Reports

Graphical Analytics Engine

Access controls for different User Levels

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Role-Based Reporting

It always helps to see only what you need to see. With our role-based dashboard option, you’ll be shown data that helps you get your job done FAST. 

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Customer Service

Billing Administrator




  • Delinquent Accounts

  • Support Requests

  • Expiring Payment Methods

  • Delinquent Accounts

  • Accounting Transaction Data

  • 0 Meter Read Lists

  • Meter Read Variances

  • Data Validation Report - or any error minimizing 

  • Consumption

  • Go Green

    • e.g., Consumption Comparisons, power saving 

  • Consumption

  • Past Due Amounts by 30, 60, 90 days (or custom ranges)

  • Customers: number of accounts, accounts added, etc.

  • Delinquencies - $ amount and number of accounts outstanding

  • Revenue

    • Total by month, quarter, year, etc.

    • Growth/Decline by month, quarter, year

    • Revenue by type: residential, industrial, commercial

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630 Million+  Charges Calculated

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7000+ Hours Saved

Try it out!

Reach out for a Product Demo and


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